INSANITY - Week 1 Review -

INSANITY – Week 1 Review

58283_10151382707818007_632431481_nWe started our INSANITY challenge group on 2/1/2013 and everyone has been digging deep! (you can join us here anytime)

Though I had just completed P90X prior to starting INSANITY, I’ve heard from other team members who had done this before puking left and right, and having nausea during their first week workout. So I put myself to the test and see how I stack up.

Week 1 consists of 5 workouts: Fit Test, Plyometric Cardio Circuit, Cardio Power & Resistance, Cardio Recovery, and Pure Cardio.


Day 1 – Fit Test

We do Fit Test once a week to track the number of reps we can do for some of the key moves in the program. We’re supposed to be able (or shooting) to do more reps as we progress. Here’s my first fit test result:

Power jack: 49
Power knees: 106
Power jumps: 30
Globe jumps: 6
Suicide jumps: 12
Pushup jacks: 25
Low plank oblique: 45

This was a 30-minute workout. The title “Fit Test” is somewhat misleading because you’ve got to push yourself to max out the reps within that short period of time. It wasn’t an easy test at all. I didn’t puke or feel nausea but my heart rate was very high and for sure in the zone. For those who have knee problems, you might want to wear a pair of good snickers to reduce the impact. My carpet was heavily padded so I didn’t wear shoes.

Day 2 – Plyometric Cardio Circuit

This 42-minute workout is packed with jumps, leg lifts and planks. The first 10 minutes was warm-up but for me it was more than just warming up. It was intense! Similar to other workouts in INSANITY, Shaun T then takes you into some stretching for a few minutes after the warm-up. Once that’s done and guess what, there are more intense routines and you are asked to squeeze out more reps for each of them!

Day 3 – Cardio Power & Resistance

I loved this workout. Finally has some resistance training to work on our upper body muscles. This video last about 40 minutes and again a sweat inducer!

Day 4 – Cardio Recovery

Like it says in the title, this was a slow paced workout allowing your body to recover from the previous workout as well as prepping it for the upcoming ones. This reminded me of the Yoga X in P90X. It works more on your core, balance and stretches than cardio. Since it’s only 33 minutes long, I added some Back and Biceps from P90X in the end. I felt that I was slacking if I didn’t do more 🙂

Day 5 – Pure Cardio

Pure Cardio was a non-stop all-out workout, except the quick 6-minute stretching after 10 minutes of warming up. I loved this routine but at the same time hate it because it was killing me! Within 40 minutes, I burned more than 650 calories and of course sweat like crazy!

Day 6 – Plyometric Cardio Circuit

We repeated the same DVD from Day 2. It didn’t get any easier the second time around. We still had to push hard in order to keep up with some of the moves. Good thing is we knew what to expect the second time around so we jumped right into it.

Day 7 – Rest

Today is rest day. Ah… a guilty pleasure (but it’s also a good day to do the Back and Biceps from P90X)!

Stay tuned for my Week 2 review. In the mean time, check out our Facebook page for up-to-date encouragements and team interaction!

Dig deep folks!

Coach Al


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