P90X3 Review - Week 4 - FearlessLeeFit.com

P90X3 Review – Week 4

P90X3 Workout Reviews


P90X3 Week 4 Day 1 – Isometrix

Started my week 4 with Isometrix. Tony said this was the toughest of yoga and he wasn’t kidding. Isometrix consists of a series of static moves — some are easy but many require balance, flexibility and strength. I find the “bound dog” quite challenging and the plank arm and leg lift torturing LOL. Yes, holding the pose for 45 second is extremely difficult. My heart rate up considerably. But still it isn’t meant for burning much calorie and more for strength and balance. It was rather short and I kinda liked it.

I’ve put on a couple of pounds since I started as my goal is to gradually gain mass. My shoulders are definitely getting a bit bigger

P90X3 Week 4 Day 2 – Dynamix

I did Dynamix for the first time since I didn’t do it on my rest days in the past weeks. The first 5-10 mins was pretty relaxing. It was mainly easy stretchings… Like a walk in the park lol. But then things started getting interesting like holding the side plank arm up position for a minute I guess. My core and arm started shaking lol. I added some upper body resistance after the workout because dynamic was a rather feminine workout emoticon Anyway, I’m planning to modify some moves in the future to increase the intensity.

P90X3 Week 4 Day 3 – Accelerator

Accelerator done! This was a cardio workout that consists of some jacks, hops, and planks. The moves aren’t strenuous at all but they do get your heart rate moderately high. The more challenging moves I guess are the plank/sphinx combo (with leg lifts), swimmer plank and the last workout — frog kicks and cross leg (can’t remember that its called). The calorie burn was about 300 but I think I can get higher burn as I get more familiar with the moves emoticon!

Hope you all are pushing just as hard if not more!!

P90X3 Week 4 Day 4 – Pilates X

P90X3 Week 4 Day 4 – Pilates X done! “Ouch” is all I can say about this workout LOL. It’s a core and ab workout and before this I thought pilates was kind of like yoga but I was wrong. To me, pilates is more core-centric and yoga is more balance-centric. And apparently breathing is an important part of of pilates and it has to be done in a specific way. I kid you not LOL. I sweat more doing pilates X than X3 yoga. I think that’s because of the way I have to breath and sometimes to hold my breath and engage my core really turn up the heat. My favorite move and also the toughest for me was the “alphabet soup”. This is where we use our feet and legs to spell out each and every alphabet in mid air. And my abs started burning as I started “M”…ouch!! I had to take a short break before continuing. The blood rushed to my head as I was holding my breath to get the feet up. My face was burning up big time!

All in all, I liked this workout a lot. It’s definitely not an easy one. If you’ve done it, let me know what you think about it.

P90X3 Week 4 Day 5

CVX done! It was time for something more intense like CVX after days of recovery workouts. My hip flexor is a little sore from the pilates yesterday but good thing is today was mainly shoulders/arms and cardio!! I stick with the 10 lbs dumbbell, which I still think is very challenging given the high number of reps. My shoulders were burning good lol. Tomorrow is X3 Yoga and then rest day. After that I’ll be starting block 2. Hope there’ll be more resistance training involved.

P90X3 Week 4 Day 6

Did X3 yoga late last night and wrapped up my recovery week!! Yay! I’m still having difficulty straightening my hamstrings but I’m trying to gain half an inch each time I reach for my toes.


Keep pushing play everyone! Contact Me if you’d like to join my Challenge Group.

Coach Al